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Mergers and Acquisitions

Two heads are better than one, as per an old saying. This is particularly relevant in the context of business mergers and acquisitions (M&A). When a company joins forces with a competitor, companies can benefit from a variety of synergies, essentially reducing costs by eliminating duplicate roles, systems, or licenses. This type of collaboration can be costly: the M&A processes can last from months to years, and are often labor intensive.

A M&A is an agreement to combine the liabilities and assets of two separate entities, creating one entity with a larger market coverage and greater revenue opportunities. Companies usually acquire companies that have similar products, technologies or client base. The company can also expand into new markets by purchasing a firm from another industry or country.

The primary reason for M&A is to improve efficiency of operations through creating economies of scale which means that the benefits of production volume improve access to capital, cut manufacturing costs, and increase bargaining power with suppliers. The technology of a different company can be acquired to save years of investing in research and development.

Besides gaining a foothold in a new market, M&A can transform a company into something it was never intended to be. For example the giants of brewing Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller merged in 2016 to establish a greater presence in developing countries and across continents. The merger also enabled both companies to benefit from each other's global infrastructure to reduce costs for supply chain. In most M&A transactions, a firm buys the assets and assets of another company by either paying cash or by taking on any debts. This process is known as the purchase technique, and the assets of the acquired company are listed on the acquirer's books at their market (not book) value.

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